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Apparatus for Blood Pressure Reduction
Biological electrical theory
in discovered the device.Excellent helpful instrument to reduce the high blood pressure Maintains the normal function of the brain, And relieve the insomnia. Heads pain, headaches.Different types of arthritis, pain, bone pain, body that controls,gastric control and prevention. Mobile use protects from harmful reactions. Heart and blood vessel disease of the veins reduces. coronary artery to reduce the quake, the heart reduces stress. Gray hair and to prevent hair fall stop.
Pneumonia and helpful to relieve asthma. The natural treatment system not any side effect.
This product is known as a home doctor
This product is known as a home doctor
3-8 minutes of time, dayly 5/10 times
The new product, Life time guarantee.
Tiens product available
delivery possible in Bangladesh for
any district or sub district .
more details call -
01919-118016// 01619-118016 // 01712-387803 // 01713-607913 //
01919-118016// 01619-118016 // 01712-387803 // 01713-607913 //
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price - 6,544 Tk
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